Digging Down into the Kimberley Process: How diamond footprints were added to the KP toolbox

For clarification purposes a footprint refers to distinct physical characteristics that make up the particular profile of the rough diamonds mined at a specific geographic location. They are the result of both chemical and geophysical processes that occurred naturally at the site over sometimes millions of years, affecting diamonds from the same deposits in common ways.

Women of the Diamond Industry: In the new South Africa, torchbearers for the next generation

18 February 2019. Photoshoot of the participasnts ahead of the Gradution Ceremony of the De Beers Enterprise Development Benefiaciation Projet. Musibudi Jo Mathole (Left) and Khomotso Ramodipa from Kwame Diamonds .

Given our country’s history, conditions have been difficult for ordinary Black South Africans. With a democracy that is only 26 years young, plus the problems of high youth unemployment and national inequality, the odds were stacked high against two women with a vision to make their mark in the diamond industry.

WDC Members Making a Difference: Cornerstones of Tiffany’s responsible sourcing strategy

Although the celebrated jewelry chain Tiffany & Co. became a member of the World Diamond Council in 2000, its strategic commitment to responsible sourcing can be traced back to 1995, when it decided to advocate against a proposed gold mine that threatened the fragile ecosystem of the Yellowstone National Park in the United States.

WDC’s 2020 AGM focuses on the latest KP developments and industry’s efforts to source responsibly, despite pandemic

Members of the World Diamond Council assembled for the organization’s Annual General Meeting on October 19, 2020, joined by invited guests, among them representatives of the governments involved in the Kimberley Process and members of civil society. In contrast to previous WDC AGMs, this gathering was not held in person but rather by videoconference, a consequence of the many travel restrictions in place worldwide because of the COVID-19 health crisis.

WDC release 26-10-2020

Message from the WDC Executive Director: 2020, the year everything changed

If we take stock of all that happened in the past 12 months, it is possible to find hope for better days. Something tells me that, thanks to these most challenging times, to use a euphemism, our sense of purpose and our resolve to bring positive impact have become clearer and stronger.

Marking the 20th anniversary of a year that changed the course of the diamond industry

The year 2020 marks the 20th anniversary of two seminal events in the history of the diamond industry, both of them associated to the campaign to eliminate the trade in conflict diamonds. The first was the founding of the Kimberley Process (KP), the coalition of governments, industry and civil society that gave birth to Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPSC) and since then has overseen its operation.

Digging Down into the Kimberley Process: Although rare, false KP certificates still demand caution

Several times a year, with uncanny regularity, the international diamond trade receives alerts from the Kimberley Process (KP) about yet another false certificate that has been encountered, and for which it is asked to practice enhanced vigilance.

Women of the Diamond Industry: Thinking big and making it happen at 30 degrees below

In Russian the word for both “exploration” and “secret service” is “razvedka.” The name of the specialization caught my attention at university, and I imagined myself as a special agent wearing sunglasses. It was only later that I came to realize it involved not espionage, but the exploration of minerals, precious metals and gemstones.

WDC Members Making a Difference: Young Diamantaires look to create a diamond-powered renaissance

04 September 2019. World Federation of Diamonds Bourses Young Diamantaires Visited Venetia Mine and also had a tour of the mine in Musina.

The original objective of the group was to establish a movement within the international diamond trade that would replenish and sustain the future and leadership of the business community. But an invitation extended by De Beers in 2019 to the Young Diamantaires to visit the Venetia Mine in South Africa’s Limpopo Province had the effect of broadening the group’s perspective and areas of activity.