A tribute to Stephane Fischler: Going beyond the call of duty

It was in 1999 when Stephane Fischler introduced me to Ambassador Robert Fowler, Canada’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations. As his country’s delegate to the UN Security Council, he had been issuing reports on the violation of UN-imposed sanctions by the UNITA rebel movement in Angola.

WDC release 08-06-2020

Edward Asscher takes over as new President of the World Diamond Council, Feriel Zerouki Vice President

Edward Asscher is the new President of the World Diamond Council (WDC), the international organization that is charged with leading the industry’s effort to prevent conflict diamonds from entering the jewelry supply chain and with representing it in the tripartite Kimberley Process coalition. F

A Farewell Message from the Outgoing WDC President

Goodbye and thank you for having provided me with the opportunity to serve and give back to our industry and beyond. It is an industry I feel extraordinarily privileged to be involved in, handling the most extraordinary mineral I know. Diamonds evoke powerful emotions in almost every single individual who owns or aspires to own them.

A passing of the baton at the WDC as two June meetings in Moscow likely to go virtual

June had been scheduled to be a hectic travel period for both the WDC and KP. Then the COVID-19 global pandemic struck.

The COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on the African diamond mining sector

More than four months into the COVID-19 crisis, it is difficult and most probably premature to gauge the impact of the global epidemic on the rough diamond industry and trade, and more specifically on the artisanal mining sector, where information is scarce and largely anecdotal.

Women of the Diamond Industry: The time for change is now

The time to act is now. The reality is that we are not doing enough. In fact, according to the World Economic Forum’s 2020 Global Gender Gap report, it will take 257 years to close the economic gender gap.

WDC Members Making a Difference: A city, a hospital, a diamond company and a vision

What was once known as Ashaktashram Hospital is today the Smt Rasilaben Sevantilal Shah Venus Hospital, named for the spouse of the founder of one of India’s largest diamond companies, Venus Jewel.

The COVID Blogs: WDC members share their experiences during the pandemic lockdowns (Part 1)

In one short month the world has changed in very dramatic ways. In mid-February I was enjoying some golf in the warmer climate of the southern U.S. There was very little talk of even the seasonal flu, let alone COVID-19, although my 21-year-old son managed to get Influenza B from his college roommates.

The view from Tel Aviv and around the world: A time to rethink and plan ahead for a world that will be different

After 32 years of practically residing in airports around the world and earning a PhD in business lounges, I am finally homebound.  Yes, not by choice and I wish under different circumstances, but that’s life.