WDC communiqué de presse 7-5-2020

In memorium: Didier Gerard

Our industry has lost, far too soon, one of its most treasured gems. Didier Giard was an individual who managed to exemplify the very best of what we in the gem and jewelry community seek to find within ourselves – a sense of history and tradition, an unrelenting search for knowledge and understanding, an appreciation of equality and responsibility, and a commitment to public service.

En mémoire de Didier Giard

Notre industrie a perdu bien trop tôt une de ses gemmes les plus précieuses. Didier Giard était un homme qui réussit à personnifier le meilleur de ce que notre communauté de la joaillerie et des pierres précieuses aspire à trouver en chacun: un sens de l’Histoire et de la tradition, une poursuite incessante du savoir et de la compréhension, une appréciation de l’égalité et de la responsabilité et un engagement envers le service public.

The view from Dubai: Navigating the current climate and continuing operations where possible

Like everywhere, in Dubai, people’s everyday lives have been impacted and disrupted. In such circumstances, businesses have a responsibility to act, to be part of the solution and to shoulder the burden and support their employees, their partners, their customers, and their entire communities.

A view from London: What have I learned over the past 45 days? Have I achieved my lockdown goals?

During these days of global crisis, where all of us to one degree or another find ourselves in the same boat, it’s tough to decide who is offering special insight into our collective predicament.

An Indian perspective of the COVID-19 crisis: If you do nothing, there will be no results

What I had not figured out were the unknowns that lay ahead. Unknowns that I wasn’t even aware would ever exist.

A view from New York: The impact of the coronavirus on jewelry retail in the United States

When the jewelry industry comes out of this crisis, it can return to the success we were headed towards for 2020. The reason for the optimism is because of the amazing people that make up this industry.

A message from the Former WDC President: While separating us physically, COVID unites the globe

These are very strange but also anxious times, for we feel that the most basic foundations of our existence are being eroded.

Message from the WDC President: A global challenge without parallel

Like other industry bodies, we at WDC are having to adjust the way in which we operate to avoid exposing our members and their dependents to the COVID-19 coronavirus.

UN General Assembly passes resolution endorsing role of KP as peacekeeper and capacity builder

The resolution, which was passed on March 3, 2020, welcomed efforts made to strengthen the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS), including ongoing discussions on a definition of conflict diamonds, the importance of capacity‑building and mutual support, and the positive contribution that rough diamonds can make to prosperity and socioeconomic development.