WDC release 28-01-2020

Message from the WDC President: Wrapping up the KP Plenary and 2019

But WDC’s takeaway from the Plenary Meeting in New Delhi differs substantially from certain comments voiced in recent days, which have questioned the very relevance of the KP itself. Let us not kid ourselves.

2019 Kimberley Process Plenary reports progress in a range of areas

While most media coverage of the 2019 Kimberley Process (KP) Plenary Meeting focused on the discussion around the “conflict diamonds” definition, it was only one of a great many subjects tackled during the five-day gathering in New Delh.

With no consensus on conflict diamonds definition, System of Warranties must fill gap

“We cannot wait another five years for the next review cycle and so we hope that continuous improvements will continue to be developed to complement the certification scheme,” the WDC President told Plenary delegates.

KP Plenary agrees to provisionally restructure CAR rough export monitoring system

Under the new system, copies of all KP export certificates received from the CAR government will be cross-checked against the confirmations of imports of the corresponding shipments, and the latter need to be supplied by the authorities in the importing countries.

WDC Members Making a Difference: Indian industry-supplied social security system supporting millions

GJEPC understood that it needed to take measures that would secure both its current and future workforces. This it believed could be done by developing an industry-wide social security blanket, in the form of healthcare, education and more.

Steps to be taken because of restructured Operational Framework System for rough diamonds from CAR

his notice addresses the implications of the agreement at the gathering by KP member countries to restructure the Operational Framework System created for the Central African Republic (CAR), while maintaining the current strict monitoring of exports. This is a provisional modification that is valid for one year. Its effectiveness will be assessed by Kimberley Process during 2020.

WDC release 02-12-2019

WDC communiqué de presse 22-11-2019

WDC to continue advocating for the strengthening of the scope of Kimberley Process, says President

“The KPCS has been an absolutely critical element in maintaining peace in producing countries through increased traceability of rough diamond trade, and we must redouble our efforts to strengthen its impact,” said WDC President Stephane Fischler.