WDC pays tribute to the memory and legacy of a founder, Rory More O’ Ferrall

With deep sadness, we announce the passing of Rory More O’Ferrall this morning .He played a crucial role in creating the World Diamond Council (WDC) and shaping the Kimberley Process to ensure ethical diamond sourcing.

WDC President calls on KP Participants to enhance transparency by listing the countries of mining origin as best practice

Feriel Zerouki reminded delegates of the KP Intersessional meeting in Dubai that Participants can choose to apply best practice over and above the minimum requirements of the KP.

Becoming empowered, along with the Dubai diamond industry

My journey in the diamond industry was not just about mastering the trade; it was about forging meaningful connections with the individuals who inhabited this world.

As we approach a System of Warranties deadline, a look back and forward

Ultimately, industry-wide adoption of the SoW will benefit us all. And it is here, dear WDC members, that all of you can help as well. We count on you to assist in supporting our campaign and raising awareness, so please share the word around, relay our communications on LinkedIn and other social media, and support the global transition to the revised System of Warranties!

Giving back and transforming lives forever

In August 2022 residents of the Gujarati village of Dudhala stopped paying electricity bills, and they would not need to do so for the next 25 years. And because the solar power was renewable, nature benefitted at the same time.

Five months to September 21 deadline to transition to revised System of Warranties

The transition period for the revised SoW ends in six months. The WDC is calling out to industry members to seize the moment and be ready in time.

Living the Dream

The ability to address challenges as they come up will define the integrity of the diamond industry supply chain.

Six-month deadline to transition to revised System of Warranties

The transition period for the revised SoW ends in six months. The WDC is calling out to industry members to seize the moment and be ready in time.

A peace dividend 20 years in the making: The Angola Case Study

When the Kimberley Process was established in 2000, Angola was considered one of the three primary sources of conflict diamonds on the world market, alongside Sierra Leone and the DRC. But it also became one of the KP’s most notable success stories.

She said ‘No’

As I sit at my desk on a cold, winter’s day, reflecting on my career, I realize I was bred for this… It all began for me in the late 80s. At the time, I was a young girl and my father was the head of sales for the United States and the Caribbean islands for an Italian jewelry line.