Deconstructing the Kimberley Process

It is a system that can be wieldy and cumbersome, but also effective, having the ability to eliminate the presence of almost all rough diamonds financing civil war within just several years of the KPCS being launched in 2003.

As KP considers options for strengthening KPCS, WDC urges that consumers’ concerns be addressed

The WDC President called on participants to agree on the measures necessary for strengthening the KPCS’s impact, both in improving the lives and prospects of communities in the mining areas, and also in meeting the expectations of consumers in the jewelry markets.

WDC President calls for measures enabling diamonds to meet their full developmental potential

He was speaking during the Opening Session of the 2019 Intersessional Meeting of the Kimberley Process (KP), which opened today in the Indian city of Mumbai.

Considering an interdependent value chain, where risk is not equally distributed

Decisions that are taken over the next six months, as part of the review and reform process, will reverberate for years to come and impact lives and livelihoods all the way up and down the diamond value chain.

WDC is traveling to Paris, spotlightingOECD’s Responsible Chain Forum Guidance and KP reform

While somewhat narrower in focus than that of the OECD’s full due diligence guidance, it is our strong contention that the SoWs are a crucial component for implementing the OECD system in the diamond supply chain.

WDC welcomes UN General Assembly resolution calling for reforms to enhance effectiveness of KP

The resolution calls for a strengthening of the Kimberley Process (KP), to more effectively sever the link between the illicit transaction of rough diamonds and armed conflict.

KP must grasp opportunity to correct its limitations, WDC President to tell special UN General Assembly meeting

The meeting is being conducted as part the United Nations General Assembly’s 73rd Session, and is entitled “From blood diamonds to peace diamonds: conflict prevention through the Kimberley Process.”

WDC expresses concern about pace of reform during 2018 KP Plenary

European Union and the Kimberley Process, in Brussels, Belgium, November 16, 2018. European Commission/Eric Vidal

Nonetheless, the WDC considered as positive the noting in the KP Plenary’s final communique of the submission by the Canadian government of an expanded definition of conflict diamonds, which had been proposed by WDC and its fellow KP observer, the Civil Society Coalition (CSC).

WDC urges support for strengthening the KP by expanding the definition of conflict diamonds

The proposed change would expand the scope beyond rough stones that finance wars against governments, and supports the industry’s drive in protecting consumer confidence in diamonds and the value chain, as reflected by the System of Warranties (SoW) reforms recently launched by the WDC.

WDC will focus on driving reform at Kimberley Process Plenary meeting in Belgium

Specifically, the WDC is advocating for a broadening of the definition of conflict diamonds to address grave and systematic violence.