Raising the bar for ethical trading in the world’s largest diamond jewelry market

In the United States, which with more than half of all sales made each year in terms of value is the world’s largest diamond jewelry market, the expansion of the SoW is a massive undertaking.

WDC presents revised System of Warranties at OECD’s Responsible Mineral Supply Chain forum in Paris

During the briefings, WDC President Stephane Fischler described the revised SoW as an “essential building block” for participants in the diamond supply chain towards implementing the OECD’s due diligence guidance for minerals from high-risk areas.

World Diamond Council System of Warranties Public Review Ends October 1

The review period is intended to help industry participants better implement and demonstrate commitment to responsible sourcing when buying or selling rough and polished diamonds.

World Diamond Council System of Warranties enters public review period

The reforms establish a new level of adherence for members and call on users of SoW statements to ensure their trading activities maintain strict adherence of universally accepted principles on human and labor rights, anticorruption and anti-money laundering.