
Independent certification at the producer country maintained through the KP and digitalization of the KP certificates is critical.

Feriel Zerouki (second from right), President of the World Diamond Council, with fellow keynote speakers at the Opening Session of the 2024 Kimberley Process Intersessional meeting in Dubai on May 13, 2024: (from left) Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Chair of the Kimberley Process; HE Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Minister of State for Foreign Trade of the United Arab Emirates; and Jaff Bamenjo, Coordinator of the Civil Society Coalition.

MAY 13, 2024

With 2024 being declared the “Year of Delivery” by the Chair of the Kimberley Process, World Diamond Council President Feriel Zerouki reminded delegates of the KP Intersessional meeting in Dubai that Participants can choose to apply best practice over and above the minimum requirements of the KP, in this instance, listing the countries of mining origin on the KP certificate when the information is available “and [it] should be highlighted and disclosed to maintain and secure confidence in diamonds.”

“The industry is moving forward with traceability and will complement these efforts by pioneering the technologies we have invested in,” the WDC President remarked during the Opening Session of the Intersessional on May 13.

This Intersessional marked many “firsts.” Notably, for the first time, a wide range of community members from across the global supply chain shared their diverse views with the delegates.

“These insights will not only enrich our discussion on the expansion of the definition of conflict diamonds, but also on critically important issues of development, and will help us appreciate a fuller and more compelling natural diamond story,” she added. “We would like to see more engagements moving forward.”

Another first initiative of the KP Chair will be the holding of an Ad Hoc Plenary session during the Intersessional, departing from the practice of holding such sessions only at the end of the year. “This is significant because, for the first time in the history of the KP, it will be possible to make decisions mid-year and, thereby, push for progress during this important ‘Year of Delivery,’” Ms. Zerouki stated.

Also, after years of collective efforts from KP Participants and Observers, this Intersessional marks the launch of the Kimberley Process Secretariat led by its first Executive Secretary which “serves as recognition that the KP is crucial to advancing global governance and development goals.”

The WDC President finally noted, “So, in a world full of uncertainty, we have unwavering confidence in our ability to navigate through challenges together. One thing is for sure, with increased transparency at the KP, the future of diamonds is bright.”

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